August 9, 2022
Following the release of RCLCO’s report, The Top-Selling Master-Planned Communities of Mid-2022, RCLCO has re-designed and updated an interactive map tool that visualizes the sales at Top-Selling MPCs across the country from 2013 to mid-year 2022. Through this visualization, it is clear to see that Florida, Texas, and California represent the largest share of home sales among the top-selling communities, with the share of sales in other states steadily growing over the past seven years.
Following the release of RCLCO’s report, The Top-Selling Master-Planned Communities of Mid-2022, RCLCO has re-designed and updated an interactive map tool that visualizes the sales at Top-Selling MPCs across the country from 2013 to mid-year 2022. Through this visualization, it is clear to see that Florida, Texas, and California represent the largest share of home sales among the top-selling communities, with the share of sales in other states steadily growing over the past seven years.
Animated Examples of the Newly Re-designed Interactive Map:

Time Period Slider
Map title will reflect the year chosen on the slider
Available Links to MPC websites

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The ranking of mid-year 2022’s Top-Selling Communities is based on total net new home sales as reported by each individual community. Preliminary sales numbers were provided by communities beginning in December, with final sales figures being updated periodically throughout the month of January. To be included in our ranking, MPCs must have a number of features. True MPCs are developed from a comprehensive plan by a master developer, and incorporate a variety of housing types, sizes, and prices, with shared common space, amenities, and a vital public realm. The best examples of MPCs are developed with a strong vision and comprehensive plan that guide development and unify the community through distinctive signage, wayfinding, entry features, landscaping, and architectural/design standards. Beyond the built environment, MPCs differentiate themselves from typical suburban subdivisions in that they provide a means for interaction among neighbors in the sense of the word “community.” They foster an environment within which generations can live better in terms of housing and the community environment, and many offer educational opportunities, neighborhood shopping and services, and even employment centers to complement the residential neighborhoods. Although rooted in a vision, the most resilient MPCs have flexible master plans that are environmentally sensitive, market responsive, and nurture the lifestyles of their residents.
Given the above criteria, we do not include the collective sales of multiple, separate communities that are unified only through marketing efforts rather than a preconceived community vision, nor do we include communities that are a collection of subdivisions that have few unifying elements other than name.
Article and research prepared by Gregg Logan, Managing Director, and Karl Pischke, Principal.
Additional research and analytical support was provided by Eric Whinnen, Senior Associate, and Blair Wheeler, Data/Research Analyst.
RCLCO provides real estate economics, strategic planning, and management consulting to real estate investors, developers, home builders, financial institutions, public agencies, and anchor institutions. Our real estate advisors help clients make the best decisions about real estate investment, repositioning, planning, and development. Interested in learning more about RCLCO’s Master-Planned Community Services? Please visit us at www.rclco.com/master-planned-communities-services/.
Disclaimer: Reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the data contained in this Advisory reflect accurate and timely information, and the data is believed to be reliable and comprehensive. The Advisory is based on estimates, assumptions, and other information developed by RCLCO from its independent research effort and general knowledge of the industry. This Advisory contains opinions that represent our view of reasonable expectations at this particular time, but our opinions are not offered as predictions or assurances that particular events will occur.